20th European Palestinians ConferenceConference NewsInstitution News

European Palestinians Conference Holds New Preparatory Meeting Ahead of its 20th Edition

A preparatory meeting for the 20th edition of the Palestinian in Europe Conference, which will be held in Malmö, southern Sweden, on May 27 under the theme “75 Years On.. We Will Return!,” was held yesterday. Thirty-four committees and one hundred activists from Sweden and other European nations attended.

Amin Abu Rashid, the head of the European Palestinians Conference, gave a warm welcome to everyone present and emphasized the value of collaboration and integration between the committees.

The leaders of the preparatory committees presented the completed work on their respective teams.

The conference schedule, which included workshops, seminars, art exhibits, the Palestinian Film Festival, and other events, was also discussed by the attendees.

The logistics of the conference, including reception, registration, mobilization, and committees for women and children, were also discussed at the meeting.

Additionally, a presentation of the conference venue, markets, and exhibitions was made.

The meeting was concluded by launching a “Hand in Hand, We Will Return for Sure” promotional campaign.

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