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Vienna Judiciary Defends Democratic Values and Teaches State Police a Lesson in Respecting Solidarity with Palestine

In a historic ruling, the Administrative Court in Vienna declared that the police’s dispersal of the pro-Palestine solidarity encampment at the University of Vienna on May 8, 2024, was unlawful.

The decision exposed a blatant violation of fundamental democratic rights, delivering a powerful rebuke to the Vienna State Police Directorate.

Previous attempts to criminalize the peaceful gathering through what were widely regarded as baseless charges have failed decisively, reaffirming the critical importance of safeguarding freedom of expression and assembly in societies and nations that are committed to upholding democratic values.

In a related context, several European cities have witnessed student-led movements and solidarity gatherings in support of the Palestinian cause, some of which have faced undue security and legal pressures.

Despite these challenges, the recent ruling in Vienna stands as a resounding affirmation of fundamental rights and freedom of expression within academic institutions and public assemblies.

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